Play more golf in 2021

With a pandemic, poor air quality, and all the responsibilities of daily life raging around us, it’s likely you haven’t had much time for your favorite pastimes. You promised yourself that this year you would exercise and play more golf. But whether it’s business, social, or family obligations, something always gets in the way. 

Finding time to play more golf may seem impossible, but we want to show you that, with a little planning and creativity, you will not have to give up your hobby. Here are our tips for working a weekly golf game into your schedule. Who knows -- with effort and good time management you might even be playing more than once a week!

Stay ready to play

You have to commit to making time and space in your life for the things you like to do. The easiest way to incorporate more golf into your week is to never say no to a game. Keeping your clubs in your car will ensure you are ready to hit the course whenever the urge strikes. Don’t let the weather discourage you; you can play in light rain or cold. Have more free time in the mornings? Choose the earliest tee time and work in a few rounds before you start your day. Or you can opt for late tee times to blow off some steam after a long workday. 

Whatever time works for you, it’s best to pick a consistent tee time and stick with it. That will encourage you to commit to a regular game. Having trouble getting a group together who can all meet at the same time? Don’t be afraid of playing alone. Looking for company? You might join others you meet on the course. You may also make golf a part of your family or work life. Holding meetings on the golf course allows you to get some practice in while still being productive. Or invite your family along for an opportunity to bond and enjoy the outdoors together. 

A better country club

If you hope to play more golf in 2021, there are a variety of ways to get motivated and invested in the sport again. But one of the best ways to renew your engagement in golf is to find a course that you love. Once you find the right golf course, it will be impossible to pull you away.

At Calabasas Country Club we boast the best golf course in Los Angeles. In addition to our nine and eighteen hole courses, we offer other services and amenities for the whole family to enjoy. Sneaking in a quick round on your lunch break? Sample our delicious menu while you play. We also provide family friendly events and golf lessons designed for children so you can bring your family along for an outing. Once you start golfing at Calabasas Country Club, you’ll have no problem maintaining a weekly tee time.