Why do so many athletes play golf

If you are a fan of professional sports, you may have noticed some of your favorite former sports stars and current athletes playing golf. Players like Michael Jordan, Steph Curry, and Aaron Rodgers have all been spotted on the golf course in recent years, which raises the question: why would those athletes spend time practicing golf instead of their sport of choice?

The fact is golf is more than just a secondary sport hobby for many professional athletes. Not only does golf allow for social interaction in a way sports like baseball and football do not, but golf can help athletes hone skills that will benefit them in their athletic career. Here’s an inside look at why your favorite pros gravitate toward golf on their days off.

Staying social

One thing that sets golf apart from other sports is the opportunity for socializing. It’d be odd to see a quarterback talking about his weekend with his teammates between plays, but for athletes playing golf the social aspect is just as prominent as the competition. The structure of a golf game allows for periods of walking and talking with friends or colleagues, presenting players with networking opportunities that couldn’t take place on a football field or basketball court.

Playing golf also helps athletes develop skills like focus, strength, and stamina. Sure, these skills can also be learned through most other sports, but even professional athletes get tired of their day job. Picking up a sport like golf helps you keep up your practice regimen even when you’re not on the clock, helping you get some productivity out of your Sunday tee time.

Nobody is as good as the pros

Of course, athletes that play golf on the side are not going to play as well as professional golfers. Not only is there a baseline difference in experience, but knowledge from their sport of choice may impact their performance on the golf course. Someone whose mind is caught between two different techniques is not going to reach the same scores as a player who is strictly dedicated to golf.

For example, when you put a baseball player on the golf course their swing will be informed by the tools and techniques involved in baseball. While those methods may work out in the diamond, they’re not going to be as effective on the green. Visit our site to learn more about the baseball swing vs. golf swing debate and find out whether baseball players make better golfers or golfers make better baseball players.